Solving tests
Anyone can attempt to solve a Block Qualified Test (BQT). The only restrictions are the credential limit, the time limit, the required pass, as defined on the Test struct.
Successfully solving a Block Qualified Test (BQT), will grant the solver a Block Qualified Credential (BQC) NFT. These are, much like BQTs, non-transferable ERC-721 tokens, and they are linked to the BQT they originate from. Each credential is forever linked to its solver.
Solving a test is done by calling the following function inside the TestCreator.sol smart contract:
Where testId is the unique identifier for the test to solve, and recipient is the address of the solver, who would receive, if successful, the credential NFT.
The remaining parameters are used to verify the proof. Remember that this proof is how the solver shows that they know the solution (complete or partial) to a given test, without revealing their answers.
How this proof is computed, the actual proof (the a, b, and c parameters), and the contents of the input array, again depend on the test type of this testId. Computing these proofs can be done using snarkjs, which is what gets used under the bqSDK.
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